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Paper #222- God and Universe (82)






The Urantia planet is in the process of being affected by global warming and climate changes which is followed by an avalanche of associated cataclysms which are already affecting earth’s air, oceans, water, land with ecosystem, coastline etc., and already causing changes in human and animal life behavior and migration.   

In this overpopulated world there is increased food scarcity and poverty and with food deprivation there is increase in global hunger which increases human and other animal global migration, which altogether affects and endangers the very existence of planet’s evolutionary life order and harmony while collapsing current human civilization.

In NOCO RRS (Rapid Response Solutions) #3 Machiventa has pointed out that without the life species, everything dies, not only the nature but also human as individuals and their families, communities, organizations, societies, and finally civilization and this is current direction of human global society.   

Urantia world is a post-Lucifer era spiritually laggard decimal evolutionary organic life planet (see UB) with short term survivability and only dramatic spiritual change in human evolutionary mind to respond to spirit prompting will determine if Urantia’s civilization will earn a longer term survival. As always, humans will be the one to decide their own destiny to be or not to be.

Meanwhile, as Machiventa has stated, the survivable societal morality is taught to humans to be integrated into individual psyche and psyche of organizations so that survivable programs codes could be written into human life’s gene memory for human civilization and planetary life to learn how to survive the oncoming climate change caused global avalanches of “cataclysmic proportions”.

Humans should understand that planetary species write and memorize through their genes generating memory which in turn will guide all species to make their decisions and choose actions in order to survive.

When individuals and families support all life species they are supporting genetic “health” of each new generation of life species without which healthy planetary evolutionary species moral mind changes and planetary species survival declines.

In RRS #3 Machiventa has further stated that on Urantia, as an experimental/decimal planet, celestials are using experimental programs for human benefit, some of which are very advanced programs (considering other experimental planets in Nebadon where great thought was given to these programs and where there was willingness on the part of Christ Michael, Gabriel, and others to experiment) to see what good will come out of it. Celestials intend to retain the wisdom of these programs even if programs fail so that the wisdom and experience can be applied to the other experimental planets programs.

Further, if humans would truly know about the authorization for The Urantia Book they would realize and understand that The Urantia Book is a project, a document, that is about two (2) centuries ahead of its time for the present mind of homo sapiens of this world.

UB true value is to be eventually rediscovered and at that time will be collectively regarded as a priceless tome of wisdom which is currently not appreciated by current evolutionary mortal anu-mal spiritually laggard homo sapiens mind.

Genetic reprogramming of human mind will take time and this will be accomplished while Urantia is experiencing “pain and suffering” during planetary cataclysmic changes because this is the only time humans do pay attention to celestials and show willingness to learn and understand while experiencing travesties during oncoming planetary cataclysms.

Having said that, humans should understand that they live on a very primitive world and that dramatic change in human evolutionary mind direction will be required for this civilization to survive.

Machiventa has stated in RRS #3 that how people treat each other is the sign of maturity of that civilization.  Every nation has its dispossessed and its unempowered where racial and ethnic centers of the world have become disempowered and unempowered by never having been given the right for participation even though they hold the same rights of a human being to do so.

The disenfranchised need to be and will eventually be represented equally. It was stated before via seven core values that equality is the birthplace of morality and ethics. (UB)

Machiventa (in RRS #1): “The topic of societal morality is the missing part from the educational stream for each new generation. Humans have been taught traditional ethics and morality: “Don’t kill other people, don’t hurt them, and be fair in your business and personal relationships”. However, democracies depend upon the survival of society, of your communities. Societies offer families an opportunity to live in peace and to grow and mature and to raise children accordingly.”

Machiventa”We are so strongly in earnest of making inroads into the evolution of democracy and of societies. The primitiveness of your world is expressed in terms of poverty—material poverty, disparities of material wealth. It is important for an evolving nation and an evolving democracy that it take on the woes of the disenfranchised—those who are poor, those of the feminine gender, and those who are politically disenfranchised that this be corrected. We have said before that revolution is no longer tolerable to an evolving society and nation. Revolution in a democracy is anathema to the freedoms of individuals.” (RRS #3)

Machiventa: “Global culture reflects global state of mind, and to change a culture that is in decline [toward] eventual self-destruction, celestials must introduce new values. 

Seven values that are innate to humans numerous times were shared many times —perhaps too repetitiously. However, these are the values that will sustain the individual, organizations, communities, societies, and civilization when they use them in their decision-making. The rules for making those decisions are the ethic, morality, and societal morality that evolve from the above seven core values.” (RRS #1)

UB 196:3.26 (2096.2)  “The evolutionary mind is able to discover law, morals, and ethics; but the bestowed spirit, the indwelling Adjuster, reveals to the evolving human mind the lawgiver, the Father-source of all that is true, beautiful, and good; and such an illuminated man has a religion and is spiritually equipped to begin the long and adventurous search for God.”

In Paper #221 role of anticipated human participation in Urantia’s Correction and RecoveryTime was discussed with emphasis on wholistic/holistic/ seven core values through twelve Service Sectors of twelve Global Sectors.

The seven (7) core universal values represent guided growth of world quality and quantity in global equality through empathy, compassion and love for each other which should be this world’s motto.

Machiventa was quoted (NET #101, partial excerpt here) stating that human role is first to learn more fully how to do God’s will. The second is to learn how to love your neighbors and to love yourself in spite of your foibles, in spite of your difficulties, and in spite of your weaknesses. And third, you are learning to love the God presence within you—that this is an extension, the essence, the fragment of the Father in Paradise, and through this you become greater and humans have direct access to understanding and knowing what God’s will is, to discover their role in this work and discover how they make a difference.  And fourth, your role is to assist us in the recovery plan. In some ways Christ Michael has named this The Correcting Time. This is The Recovery Time.

Fourth role of human participation in Urantia’s recovery is suggested to be provided through Christ Michael’s Global Spiritual Network (CMGSN) inter-connecting 12 Global Sectors each one having 12 Service Sectors of Master Seraphic planetary supervision (total of 12×12 = 144 Master Seraph supervised global main groups).

114:6.4 (1255.3)  The twelve corps of the master seraphim of planetary supervision are functional on

Urantia as follows: 114:6.5 (1255.4)  1. The epochal angels, 114:6.6 (1255.5)  2. The progress angels, 114:6.7


(1255.6)  3. The religious guardians, 114:6.8 (1255.7)  4. The angels of nation life, 114:6.9 (1255.8) 


5. The angels of the races, 114:6.10 (1255.9)  6. The angels of the future, 114:6.11 (1256.1)  7. The angels of

enlightenment, 114:6.12 (1256.2)  8. The angels of health, 114:6.13 (1256.3)  9. The home seraphim, 114:6.14

(1256.4)  10. The angels of industry, 114:6.15 (1256.5)  11. The angels of diversion and 114:6.16 (1256.6)  12. The

angels of superhuman ministry.

Urantia planetary Triumvirate, involving Christ Michael of Nebadon, Magisterial Avonal Son Monjoronson and Machiventa Melchizedek, has been already actively involved in service together with various planetary service groups.

Machiventa, through NET and now SSR groups (see references), has been actively advising humanity requirements for humanity to advance to Stage 3 Democracy (see below SSR 1 reference) while Master Seraphic Corps are assisting advancing universe concepts of global government of the people, for the people and by the people based on seven core values to establish global human social, economic and political equality and global sustainability.

This concept will be eventually realized by uniting nations (UNU) through global sectors while human society is decaying and collapsing where humanity is already suffering from various ego-centric selfish leaders and their poor judgement and decisions in dealing with unravelling planetary crises. As stated previously to sustain planetary life and human civilization humanity will need to act holistically in which qualified, mature, wise and accountable holistic global leadership will need to be fully involved and operational.

Through twelve Service Sectors of twelve Global Sectors humans are to support Christ Michaels Global Spiritual Network assuring through UNU world equal wealth distribution, global digital debit income distribution, global universal health care, global disaster funds coverage etc. Individual countries military will be replaced by UNU Global Service Force serving all twelve Global Sectors countries uniformly and equally.

Considering current state of mind of global leadership, it is apparent that the above plan of Urantia’s global changes will begin to take effect only after Urantia begins to be affected by and undergoes dramatic cataclysmic changes where humans will begin to seek “to be or not to be” survival as the way out from own created planetary destruction.




1.NET, RRS, 

*New Era Transition / NET; Rapid Response Solutions/ RRS – Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager,    

Transmitted by Daniel Raphael, email:    


*Lightline Teleconference 2021-01-21

Email: Tom Newbill <>      


*Michael Lightline     

Email: Jerry Lane <>     



*Institute of Christ Consciousness      

Email: Donna D’Ingillo <>     

Institute of Christ Consciousness       

“Implementing the divine template to evolve a heavenly planetary culture”       



Email: Marty Greenhut     


*11:11 transmissions library     

George Barnardm       


*Celestial transmissions – Vicki Vanderheyden  <> ,       


*Celestial transmissions – Hathor Planetary Meditation
Through Tom Kenyon  

Tom and Judi <>     

Tom Kenyon,     

PO Box 98     

Orcas, WA 98280     


*GOD and Universe Creation and Evolution     

