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Paper #223- God and Universe (83)








Urantians are presently trying to figure out how to restrain Covid pandemic and how will evolutionary unaccountable and exuberant men survive self-made anu-mal initiated global warming and its associated oncoming climate cataclysmic changes.

While going through this process, the celestial mission is to have evolutionary anu-mal men understand the Urantia planet and its life as part of evolving Supreme time-space universe in which the Urantia’s evolutionary men anu-mal-actions will be always returning to its originator (men) for proper corrective re-qualifying actions on men’s ascending way to Paradise. (see ref. UB)

Urantians homo sapiens evolutionary surviving world is presently in its embryonic imperfect (ANU-MAL) stage of Supreme time-space universe mind evolution and is very far from the universe perfection, and so celestials are attempting through Teaching Mission in this Correcting Time to lead humans in better understanding of meaning of GOD and the universe life they live in. (see UB)

Urantians should try to better understand GOD, His created universe and universe holistic civilizations so to establish the same on earth for this world civilization and its planetary life to become self-sustainable. (See references and previous FDTP and LTP Papers)

GOD (Geometry Of Divine), as a conscious Divine I AM SELF (Spirit Energy Life Force), is existential Divine presence THAT IS omni-scient, omni-potent and omni-present.

Divine existential presence is SELF-sustained by SELF-maintenance of IT’s DIVINE whole-ness (holistic) perfection.

GOD’s Thought Creative Potential (TCP) is manifesting, for example, through Singularity Paradise Absolute 1st Center and Source TA’s where its absolute is eternally sustained in its existential infinity. (see UB)


Paper #215

Meaning of Word Divine “GOD” ancients have related to the presence of SELF conscious  and SELF sustained existential reality called GOD I AM SELF (Geometry Of Divine I AM (AUM sound) Spirit Energy Life Force; “Ein Sof”; “One Element”) manifesting IT SELF through universe by expression of its spirit thought creative potential manifesting and re-experiencing I AM SELF through Its Created and Evolving universe(s) such as Paradise.

Created Paradise nucleus with its expanding peripheral universes could be therefore considered to be the nucleus of progressively evolving and organizing Paradise universe living “cell” in the existential and SELF-sustained perfect body of GOD DIVINE.

This limitless concept of EXISTENTIAL SELF-SUSTAINED GOD DIVINE might be difficult to comprehend and understand by evolutionary limited finite human anu-mal mind.  

Human limited mind might understand how TV screen pixels originate TV picture or how living human cells reproduce, evolve and grow but human limited physical material mind has no ability to understand an existential time and space limitless SELF-sustainable and SELF-maintainable SELF-experiencing GOD DIVINE.  

Existential DIVINITY That Is (DIVINE GOD; “Ein Sof”; “One Element”) has initiated (initially realized) by its I AM SELF creative thought pressure/tension the Singulaton, the initial Paradise singular atom/ vortex node, at the center of thought initiated Absolute Reality which is called in the Urantia Book the Paradise 1st Center&Source (C&S).

From Paradise GOD 1st C&S singular atom reality (singularity) the Paradise Eternal 2nd and Infinite 3rd C&Ss have evolved, and from Paradise 3rd C&S GOD Supreme of the peripheral time-space universe has been evolving since into Grand Universe and beyond. (see UB ref.)


Monjoronson has stated the following about this world and its awareness of cosmic reality:

MONJORONSON: … “Now it is time for this world to continue to expand in its awareness of the cosmic reality of which it is an integral part.

All life is an evolutionary continuum based on the divine patterns that precede from the center of all life itself. You are a part of this evolutionary continuum. You have a place within it. You have a right to be in your place and you have the right to co-create your life according to the divine plans that Father has seeded within you. And, as you may appreciate, you have the choice whether or not to cooperate with the divine plans for your life.

As you commune with the Father, allow that experience to move you into that space of co-creation that you may more deeply appreciate the beauty and the magnitude of these plans for your lives. That is not to say you will fully comprehend it because it is an experiential undertaking you live each day. But allow yourselves to move into that place where the Father is inviting you into this vast and glorious adventure for your lives, based on His wisdom and knowledge of who you are and who you have been created to become. (Pause)

The evidence of how well you convey to your brothers and sisters this relationship you have with the Father within discloses to others a dynamic truth. You have trusted in the Father to guide you. You have portrayed a great deal of faith by coming into these experiences of collaboration with us to grow the divine plan upon Urantia during this time. And it is noteworthy that you have all stepped up to be of service your world, to your brothers and sisters, to all life here. Now it is time for this world to continue to expand in its awareness of the cosmic reality of which it is an integral part.  

The Magisterial Mission is here to help humanity take this step forward, and as you continue to keep your gaze on your Indwelling Spirits, I also invite you to simply focus on the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION, allowing yourselves to become more familiar with who I am, what this mission is here to accomplish, and what your part is to achieve during your human lifetime. Simply allow the energies of what this mission is and has for this world to achieve greater space within your beings. There are many elements that we have shared with you about what are some of the dynamics of this mission. I invite you to become further invested in these components. So, invite the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION to deepen in you, as the Father within you also engages your mind. (Pause)

For my mission to be successful and accomplish its objectives, humanity must be prepared to receive me and those who accompany me on this sacred mission. Humanity has had many challenges in appreciating divine MERCY missions to this world. Careful deliberate preparation are underway to secure those among you of the collective of humanity, getting you in a place, a state of mind and being where you are ready to engage with us. We understand that sometimes human impatience has fostered certain notions about what this Mission is and what it is here to accomplish. But truly, I say to you, it is greater than you can possibly imagine. And so, in this infusion today, we are grounding you in some of these very important components and dynamics to render you more stable and secure as more TRUTH is revealed to the masses and the moral courage humanity needs to awaken to what has occurred upon this planet.”… (Ref.1)



1.D’Ingillo <>

Monjoronson, March 21, 2021



*New Era Transition / NET; Rapid Response Solutions/ RRS – Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager,    

Transmitted by Daniel Raphael, email:    


*Lightline Teleconference 2021-01-21

Email: Tom Newbill <>      


*Michael Lightline     

Email: Jerry Lane <>     



*Institute of Christ Consciousness     


Email: Donna D’Ingillo <>     

Institute of Christ Consciousness     


“Implementing the divine template to evolve a heavenly planetary culture”       


*11:11 transmissions library     

George Barnardm      


*Celestial transmissions – Vicki Vanderheyden  <> ,       


*Celestial transmissions – Hathor Planetary Meditation
Through Tom Kenyon  

Tom and Judi <>     

Tom Kenyon,     

PO Box 98     

Orcas, WA 98280     


*GOD and Universe Creation and Evolution

