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Paper #224- God and Universe (84)






The Urantia planet and its evolutionary life have been adjusting to rapidly increasing global warming which is changing planet’s climate and its life.  

Accelerating vicious self-feeding cycle of increased permafrost melting, Amazon rainforest depletion and fires and human industry pollution have been main contributors of increasing global temperature due to increased release of greenhouse gases causing increase in global heat index causing increase in global fires destroying planet and its evolutionary life. 


Beside global oil based industrial pollution and men’s anti-nature and anti-life adverse actions and behavior this is all now affecting and destroying planet’s air, oceans and water supply causing drought and global eco-imbalance and diminishing planetary life’s chances of survival. 


As stated in previous Papers this evolutionary over-populated irresponsible anu-mal world of impulsive behavior needs to take responsibility if men is to have a chance of survival rather than looking at “melting ice under their feet” as polar bears do.  


Current world leaders are very slowly realizing that their world division and polarizing global politics is un-sustainable and is spiraling Urantia civilization into decay on the road of no return. Celestials have been warning Urantian’s many times in the past about these oncoming cataclysmic global events. 

Difficulty here is that currently the Urantia’s world governments are not unified through UNU to accept and govern this world on holistic principles but rather most global leaders use their existing decaying system to polarize the world each seeking to prolong survival of their own established system. 


However, in NOCO RRS (Rapid Response Solutions) #3 Machiventa has pointed out that without the life species, everything dies, not only the nature but also human as individuals and their families, communities, organizations, societies, and finally civilization and this is current direction of human global society.     

Machiventa has further stated, the survivable societal morality is taught to humans to be integrated into individual psyche and psyche of organizations so that survivable programs codes could be written into human life’s gene memory for human civilization and planetary life to learn how to survive the oncoming climate change caused global avalanches of “cataclysmic proportions”.    

Humans should understand that planetary species all write and memorize through their genes generating memory which in turn guides all species to make their decisions and choose actions in order to survive.   

When individuals and families support all life species they are supporting genetic “health” of each new generation of life species without which healthy planetary evolutionary species moral mind changes and planetary species survival declines.   





1.D’Ingillo <     

Messages transmitted by Donna  




NET, RRS,     

Messages transmitted by Daniel Raphael 




*Lightline Teleconference 2021-01-21

Email: Tom Newbill <>        



*Michael Lightline        

Email: Jerry Lane <>        



*Institute of Christ Consciousness        


Email: Donna D’Ingillo <>        

Institute of Christ Consciousness        


“Implementing the divine template to evolve a heavenly planetary culture”        





Email: Marty Greenhut        


*11:11 transmissions library        

George Barnardm        



*Celestial transmissions  Vicki Vanderheyden  <>         



*Celestial transmissions  Hathor Planetary Meditation
Through Tom Kenyon        

Tom and Judi <       

Tom Kenyon,        

PO Box 98        

Orcas, WA 98280        




*GOD and Universe Creation and Evolution        


