Paper #225- God and Universe (85)
Urantia world is very far from achieving global unity and its nations equality.
Western global system, by its present design and actions, is working against seven universe core values by growing quality and quantity in equality among people through empathy, compassion and love for each other.
West is moving in opposite direction from universe seven core values by polarizing and dividing people and nations therefore creating inequality among people and nations in order to sustain global dominance of its western fiat USD debt system.
Fiat USD debt system is for profit capital realism form of neo-imperialism feeding on global inequality, polarization and division and is therefore working against universe seven core values which is seeking global unity.
For these reasons western fiat debt system is not sustainable and will collapse under the weight of own created internal and external material and moral debt obligations it cannot fulfil and repay to own people and the world.
Most of western system economies are in debt. USA debt alone is at present non-repayable 27+ trillion of fiat USD debt while poverty is growing and US infra-structure has been grossly neglected and is collapsing. Current release of one trillion dollars for infrastructure, global warming etc. fixing is little bit too late considering slow rate of implementation by labor force vs. intensity and quickness of cataclysms spreading globally.
To keep surviving global western capital realism system has been creating global instability and inventing new “enemies of democratic establishment” in order to economically and/or militarily over-control and exploit the others. (Iraq, Libya etc.)
Western system, by trade wars and its SWIFT banking, is sanctioning other countries for deviating from western global over-control fiat USD protocol.
World is, however, quickly changing now.
Now the “non-west” world is reacting and resisting the “western neo-imperialism” and has begun to form their own trade and military unions with own allies in order to stand up to “burning and desperate Rome” which is using trade sanctions and military over-control in order to survive.
Western global system is no longer in the driver seat in this transitional time. Now, being also affected by evolving cataclysms affecting the world, collapsing western anu-mal is trying to engage trade sanctions and its military to salvage its financial-industrial capital global fiat USD debt system.
West is even getting ready to fight a futile global war against their created “enemies of global fiat USD system”.
Global war will cause a total collapse of global civilization and planetary life.
However, MACHIVENTA was quoted many times saying that Urantia civilization can only survive as the “united people of one world under GOD” (holistic global approach) where unity is based on seven core values (see previous FDTP Papers). Only global holism has a chance to survive oncoming global cataclysms and wars for humans to escape die-off (if the world continues to travel on the present road of self-destruction and self-annihilation).
Machiventa NET PMG #10 (ref. 1): “You have the power to destroy others, and you have the power to destroy yourselves as well. As the cataclysms become more severe, the noose around your lives will become tighter and tighter, and you will have fewer choices. Will you help others, or just serve only yourself?”
Regarding global warming, the industrial age humans have initiated global warming and now Urantia planet and its life are dying because of human exuberance and greed while seeking global power and material gains.
Global industry is mostly based on the use of oil and coal. CO2 and methane which are released into the atmosphere and have been main air pollutants and largest contributors to increasing global warming now affecting planet and its life.
Pollution of atmosphere/air, soil/earth, water/rivers and oceans is now accelerating global climate change by increasing global heat index and fires which are progressively destroying the Urantia planet and its life.
Human anti-life actions are destroying Urantia’s air and water quality and supply causing increase in planet’s drought and destroying global eco-balance and human and other planetary life’s chance of survival.
Men’s un-accountable behavior is now also trashing earth’s space with junk.
While all this is happening in front of human eyes, Urantia evolutionary men’s mind is still unable and/or un-willing to see, accept and begin to implement quickly Machiventa’s above recommended seven spiritual core values globally in efforts to establish global holistic union of all humans, for all humans and by all humans.
And still globally dominant western for profit fiat debt capital realism has been consistently creating global “enemies” and seeking global conflicts with “disobedient others”.
These myopic and mind blind global political leaders still do not realize and do not want to accept the fact that Urantia is the only planet they can live on which is now being destroyed and is dying because of adverse human anti-life actions.
MACHIVENTA (NET PMG #9, ref.1) – “You must realize that this whole planet is an island unto itself and that the inhabitants on this world are slowly (and now very quickly) beginning to annihilate themselves. You have seen these cataclysms in the form of floods, and now of heat, and of drought, and overpopulation, and the result is global warming and the result in the oceans and the Arctic and Antarctic is the melting of great volumes of ice. It turns into water which will raise your sea levels greatly.”
“The missteps or miscalculations of your scientists is a part of this whole process. Very few scientists and historians have the consciousness and awareness of what is occurring. Now educators and those who have significant inroads into the socialization and inculturation of each new generation must give thought to what they are doing and to create new educational models for the moral upliftment of every new generation.”
Power seeking global leaders, global militarization and wars are not the way of civilized universe. These anti-life ways are the product of human spiritually laggard anu-mal evolutionary territorially greedy minds seeking material gains and power in order to dominate other Urantia humans, planet and life. This is Luciferian mind which does not want to create, peace, harmony and equality, but seeks conflicts and enemies in order to accomplish its agendas. Dominating and over-controlling human mind is reflecting itself in today’s theater and tel-a-vision violent and morbid movies which are telling it all.
Unfortunately for Urantia’s humanity, if it happens, next global war between super-powers will be “strike first and go for jugular” due to no-wait time available, where “all-out” supersonic nuclear space, air, water and ground super-powers technology arsenal will be used not to chance the winning of the war.
World superpowers will have no choice but to respond “within seconds” to initial global insult with all current advanced space, air, earth and water technology until “world enemy and its operating system” are totally destroyed globally, and everything is global now.
This will be nowhere similar to ten thousand year ago old conflict between advanced Atlantis and China continents with Atlantis continent breaking up into half, while sinking the other half of Atlantis continent with people into the ocean and triggering enormous tsunami (biblical ”Big Flood”, Noah).
In the next global conflict Urantia world and its civilization will be, by no-choice, annihilated by existing currently advanced super-powers technology where destroyed planet will no longer be able to support biological life.
Machiventa has pointed out in NOCO RRS (see previous Papers) that without biological life species, everything dies, not only the nature but also human as individuals and their families, communities, organizations, societies, and finally civilization and this is current direction of human global society
Galactic Federation records are reflecting similar destructive wars on and between planets which have happened in the Nebadon’s physical galaxy past.
Celestials are presently watching again now in disbelief the anti-life actions of Urantia’s anu-mal evolutionary men taking planet and its life in wrong selfish direction accelerating this world demise on the road of no return.
MACHIVENTA about world self-annihilation and global population die-off (NET PMG #10, ref. 1):
“Can we prevent the extent of the predicted population die-off?
MACHIVENTA: “The simple answer is no. The tipping point has passed for taking any remedial action to prevent or put a stay on the die-off. The extent of the die-off is dependent now upon the willingness of earth’s population and civilization to curtail their deadly onslaught of self-annihilation. And this is what it amounts to—self-annihilation.
This is a natural process of every species, and it has been proven to be true by animal demographics of contained populations and so on. It has occurred with many species and will occur with your species as well. The problem is that mortals are only now able to come to the insight that they have the authority and power to be conscious of these past problems in all human history.
The problems are mostly organizational and that organizations of every type, whether they are governmental, military, commercial or other, have had no consciousness to think that they have a responsibility to the maintenance and service of humanity.
It is very much like it has occurred in other societies and other cultures where a society and culture living on an island in the Pacific, chopped down all the large trees to make dugout canoes, to cross the waters to assault other societies, and upon the last large tree being felled and made into a canoe they were without the possibility of inter-island commerce and trade and sharing of ideas. This is self-annihilation.”
Atlantis leaders thought to be very smart using laser weapon against Chinese only to sink and drown half of own continent! Will today’s global leaders be foolish enough to do the same and annihilate themselves beside other life?
MACHIVENTA (NET PMG #10, ref.1):”…Whether you go to mosque, synagogue, temple, or not—you are in a holy place. You have the power to destroy others, and you have the power to destroy yourselves as well. As the cataclysms become more severe, the noose around your lives will become tighter and tighter, and you will have fewer choices. Will you help others, or just serve only yourself (TO SELF-ANNIHILATION)?”
“You are now the personal witness to a major weather cataclysm that is occurring around the whole world. This was anticipated, as we have said, and it is giving much thought to everyone around the world about their personal situation and so on.
This is an important time in the age and existence of your civilization.
If you look at the grand scale of change around the world, you will notice immediately (or should notice immediately) that you are the victims, we could say, of change—social change, political change, economic change, and so on. You have not taken change into consideration as an intentional development of conscious thought and decision making. We have taught you about the seven values of your species and also the guidelines for making those decisions so that they are ethical and moral.
We have said that you are morally responsible to make moral decisions—ethical decisions. This continues, and there will be no cessation of that.
Now you have these seven core values that are true to your species, are as ageless as your species, and are as universal as all people are to your species. These values are permanent to each of you, and you know that these values are now reliable as they have sustained your species’ survival for over 200,000 years or roughly 8000 generations.
Now consider the real possibility that you can create social change that is progressive, constructive, and helpful so that you become the captains of your destiny—of your personal lives, your family, your communities, states, nations, cities, and your world organization—simply by using these tried-and-true values as the basis for your decisions.
Rather than being the victims of change, you would become the captains of change. You and others could direct the course of your cultures for the betterment of everyone.
Think about that. Of course, in doing so you would make decisions for the benefit of everyone. You would no longer be in competition. You would no longer be in positions of power and control because you would want to take other people’s decisions and the welfare of their lives into consideration.
To create a sustainable future for your nations, societies, and communities, you must give something up—your selfishness, your self-centeredness, your acquisitiveness—and become humbly generous with other people’s concerns in your decisions.”
1.New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group (NET PMG) #9, #10 -MACHIVENTA, Celestial Manager and Governor for Planet Urantia
Messages transmitted by Daniel Raphael