Paper #226- God and Universe (86)
Celestials have stated repeatedly that global society survival depends on its ability to form global unity (holism) to survive oncoming cataclysms because noose is already tightening around humanity and planetary life limiting their survival chances.
MACHIVENTA (NET PMG #10, ref.1):”… You have the power to destroy others, and you have the power to destroy yourselves as well. As the cataclysms become more severe, the noose around your lives will become tighter and tighter, and you will have fewer choices. Will you help others, or just serve only yourself (TO SELF-ANNIHILATION)?”
Global holistic approach is not for the world superpowers to tell the rest of the world to follow their ways in order to receive their material and military aid (and over-control) in order to survive. Such myopic self-serving politics only polarizes and divides the world further.
Global holistic approach is to govern and manage the Urantia world through UNU (United Nations of Urantia) where UNU holistic government then begins to represent all people of all nations of the Urantia world equally basing its decisions on universe seven core values.
UNU should govern the world through previously discussed twelve global sectors where equal rights and benefits should be maintained for all people by all people of the world on a basis of universe seven basic core values.
This is the only way for people to create social changes that are progressive, constructive, and helpful for people to become captains of their destiny, such as personal lives, family, communities, states, nations, cities, organizations etc. by simply applying (Machiventa) described tried and true values for basing human individual and collective decisions.
These tried-and-true values are called seven universe core values upon which growth of life quality, quantity and equality among people (as created equal by God) should practice empathy, compassion and love for each other if they wish to sustain this world civilization.
Urantia world presently is very far from achieving global unity through universe seven core values (considering the anu-mal-istic nature of human spiritually laggard evolutionary species mind of this decimal planet), and above views at present are considered by secular materialistic evolutionary mind to be pure utopia. In time human views will change.
This world is presently over-controlled by western “America” Alliance (America Global Strategic Command System) of corporate financial, industrial and military capital realism business dominating the world by its fiat financial and industrial system which is globally strategically spread.
USA Constitution people (USA taxpayers), on the other hand, is the second tier of this Luciferian cleverly designed global scheme.
USA and foreign people services and money and other countries resources are used for realization of western “America Alliance System” global goals and plans.
Twenty years of western America Alliance occupation and exploitation of Afghanistan is a great example of “America System” and its Western Alliance global over-control scheme at a great cost to USA taxpayers. This western neo-imperialistic and global polarizing and dividing Luciferian-thought system is not based on truth and morality of seven holistic universe core values but on division and exploitation of others for profit in order to expand “America First” global over-control and dominance. The current “America System” is anti-life and anti-universe and is not self-sustainable and is currently collapsing from within to without.
“America” global alliance is a cleverly designed global neo-imperialistic western financial-industrial-military complex system which has its Central Strategic Command (Central Stratcom/Starcom) operating from Washington DC, USA with its octopus tentacles spreading all over the world and is hiding behind the Constitutional USA federal government of people where taxpayers are holding currently about 28 trillion debt bag of this America-USA double tier system.
“America” is this invisible “shadow” government spoken of (see below) that invisibly operates behind and beyond control of Constitution USA people (taxpayers) for purpose of realization of western “America” imperialistic system plans and global goals. (Remember Gen. Oliver North’s in 1997 revealing America’s Alliance existing document of its military goals and plans for invasion and over-control of seven Middle East countries. This plan has been so far only partially realized again at a great cost to USA taxpayers.)
P.4 EAmerica Alliance system does not serve the needs of USA taxpaying people (as stated above by Roosevelt) but only serves America’s global expansion plans while USA people (taxpayers) are neglected, and country’s infrastructure is deteriorating. USA taxpayers are asked to themselves support police and firefighters in order to fight crime, fires and climate caused by weather devastations while “America System” and its Western Alliance is using USA and members taxpayers’ money to make weapons of destruction to wage its corrupt and senseless global wars against self-created “America’s System Enemies”.
Working USA people (taxpayers) are governed by USA Federal Gov seated in Washington DC which is also the HQ of its shadow “America” tier.
“America” Stratcom (Starcom) HQ (Global Strategic financial-industrial-military Command Washington DC HQ has its separate “expense books” which reflect the cost of its domestic and global operations.
“America’s” operating books are kept separate and hidden and are not accessible to Constutional USA taxpayers for accounting review.
Today “America System” is also experimenting with HAARP and other space technology in preparation for its envisioned neo-imperialistic wars against self-created “America’s System Enemies”.
Such wars wil only cause the destruction and annihilation of Urantia life and human civilization unless holistic global UNU concept is accepted by Urantia nations and begins to function globally.
Wars and bombs only create more wars and bombs and Urantia humanity will need to decide at this point which way they will sacrifice to have a chance of survival – global holistic unity or self-annihilation.
Urantians should know that similarly, the sinking of half of Atlantis continent about 10,000 years ago (Biblical Big Flood/tsunami, Noah’s Arc) was the product of similar situation where Atlantis military chiefs have made miscalculation while targeting China continent by laser which has resulted in a horrific underground Atlantis continent explosion which has sunk half of the Atlantis with its people while the other half of Atlantis continent is still floating (known today as the American continent). American continent has inherent potential to be broken in parts further.
Globally destructive multi-focal global cataclysms are the reason for Urantia humanity to urgently seek holistic governance in effort to change the current world self-destructive course in order to survive as human civilization.
While humans are dealing with oncoming massive multi-focal cataclysms, celestials are staying put while awaiting for Urantia world to make its own decision “To be or not to be” destiny.
This is the era of Urantia evolutionary adjudication and the Urantia human dispensation evolutionary maturity test to see which way will Urantia humanity decide to go – either with universe and its holistic values toward Paradise God or otherwise.
MACHIVENTA (Michael’s of Nebadon delegated Urantia manager) has stated the following in His NET PMG #10 dictation (ref.1):
“Now these cataclysms are going to continue, and they are going to become worse and more powerful.
Just set that aside for a moment. We have spoken to you before about the hardheadedness and stubbornness of your species. You want it your way, and you will not change your minds and your will until you are broken—when your spirit is broken.
This is very similar to the harsh method of making a horse or a dog obey your will. There are much gentler ways of doing that, and with this metaphor we are saying this to you: you can come along easily, and you can change your will and your decisions, or you can stay the course, be stubborn, and your will, your opinions, and your personal authority and control will be broken.
This is not a message you’re used to hearing. This is a new rendition, a new iteration of an old message we have given you many, many times. And so that is the reality—you can begin using these values, this ethic and morality for the betterment of yourself and for others, or you can go it alone—with other hardheaded people—and suffer the consequences.”
…” You are now the personal witness to a major weather cataclysm that is occurring around the whole world.
This was anticipated, as we have said, and it is giving much thought to everyone around the world about their personal situation and so on.
This is an important time in the age and existence of your civilization.
If you look at the grand scale of change around the world, you will notice immediately (or should notice immediately) that you are the victims, we could say, of change—social change, political change, economic change, and so on.
You have not taken change into consideration as an intentional development of conscious thought and decision making.
We have taught you about the seven values of your species and also the guidelines for making those decisions so that they are ethical and moral.
We have said that you are morally responsible to make moral decisions—ethical decisions. This continues, and there will be no cessation of that.
Now you have these seven values that are true to your species, are as ageless as your species, and are as universal as all people are to your species.
These values are permanent to each of you, and you know that these values are now reliable as they have sustained your species’ survival for over 200,000 years or roughly 8000 generations.
Now consider the real possibility that you can create social change that is progressive, constructive, and helpful so that you become the captains of your destiny—of your personal lives, your family, your communities, states, nations, cities, and your world organization—simply by using these tried-and-true values as the basis for your decisions.
Rather than being the victims of change, you would become the captains of change.
You and others could direct the course of your cultures for the betterment of everyone. Think about that. Of course, in doing so you would make decisions for the benefit of everyone.
You would no longer be in competition.
You would no longer be in positions of power and control because you would want to take other people’s decisions and the welfare of their lives into consideration.
To create a sustainable future for your nations, societies, and communities, you must give something up—your selfishness, your self-centeredness, your acquisitiveness—and become humbly generous with other people’s concerns in your decisions.”
MONJORONSON: …”And so, continue to feel that growing intention and desire for more of your brothers and sisters to experience this, because as a shared experience, it unifies human conscious. It brings about more understanding and harmony in the collective.
You are not all designed to be alike. Diversity is one of the operating dynamics of creation. Diversity is celebrated but that does not mean it has to be a dynamic of separation. There is UNITY in DIVERSITY because it comes from the divine Source of all life. And when you are truly invested in this dynamic, you no longer tend to strive with your brothers and sisters, but seek to understand them and you look for the jewel—in the gem—within them because you know they have a Christ presence. You are curious to perceive what that is. This is how you help another person, as you send those spiritual energies into them from your heart, as if you are trying to draw them out of their shell and into the grandeur of who they are becoming as sons and daughters of God.
So, this is not a time to strive with people’s opinions and beliefs, but to move into the Spirit to let your own RISING CHRIST presence take you to greater heights of joy and peace and perception of the Spirit Within. And this is one way you are engaging in the activities of DIVINE JUSTICE and learning to love a person just where he or she is and being a balm unto them in the ways that only you can do.” … (ref. 2)
1.New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group (NET PMG #9, #10) -MACHIVENTA, Celestial Manager and Governor for Planet Urantia
Messages transmitted by Daniel Raphael
2.MONJORONSON 8-21-2021
*Institute of Christ Consciousness –
Email: Donna D’Ingillo <>
“Implementing the divine template to evolve a heavenly planetary culture”