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Paper #227- God and Universe (87)







MACHIVENTA has stated in NET PMG #10 (partial, edit)

 …” You are now the personal witness to a major weather cataclysm that is occurring around the whole world.

This was anticipated, as we have said, and it is giving much thought to everyone around the world about their personal situation and so on. 

This is an important time in the age and existence of your civilization.”

Urantia has been affected by global warming induced multi-focal cataclysms, such as climate changes affecting weather change, and humans and other planetary life have been rather slowly adapting and preparing for these changes in order to survive and oncoming generations have a future.

Planetary changes should be, from planetary perspective, addressed holistically by the united world in an organized and accountable way otherwise the entire planetary life and human civilization might be brought down to their knees.

Presently dominating western neo-imperialistic system of global over-control and division needs to be replaced by an accountable and sustainable global holistic system of co-equal nations through United Nations of Urantia (UNU) basing its plans for Urantia life existence and survival on co-equality of nations based on seven universe core values (see previous Papers).

Seven universe core values are tried-and true universe values upon which growth of life quality and quantity is based on equality among people (as created equal by God) and should practice empathy, compassion, and love for each other if humans wish to sustain their civilization.

Presently dominant western neo-imperialistic America system is polarizing by design and anti-holistic because it is not based on universe seven core values.

It will be very difficult, if not impossible, for humans to survive oncoming cataclysms without having established wholistic union of all Urantia nations to preserve the existence of human civilization and planetary life.

Below references reflect the current state of mind of profit oriented America neo-imperialism which is the remnant of Luciferian mind basing its existence on polarizing people and nations against each other and against global unity rather than cooperative and accountable and life sustainable holistic union of the world countries through United Nations of Urantia (UNU).

MACHIVENTA (NET PMG #10): ”…We have said that you are morally responsible to make moral decisions—ethical decisions. This continues, and there will be no cessation of that.

Now you have these seven values that are true to your species, are as ageless as your species, and are as universal as all people are to your species.

These values are permanent to each of you, and you know that these values are now reliable as they have sustained your species’ survival for over 200,000 years or roughly 8000 generations

Now consider the real possibility that you can create social change that is progressive, constructive, and helpful so that you become the captains of your destiny—of your personal lives, your family, your communities, states, nations, cities, and your world organization—simply by using these tried-and-true values as the basis for your decisions.

Rather than being the victims of change, you would become the captains of change.

You and others could direct the course of your cultures for the betterment of everyone. Think about that. Of course, in doing so you would make decisions for the benefit of everyone.

You would no longer be in competition.

You would no longer be in positions of power and control because you would want to take other people’s decisions and the welfare of their lives into consideration.

To create a sustainable future for your nations, societies, and communities, you must give something up—your selfishness, your self-centeredness, your acquisitiveness—and becomehumbly generous with other people’s concerns in your decisions.”

So, as with all evolutionary species, the survival of Homo Sapiens depends upon individual and collective ability to adapt to change because cataclysms will relentlessly continue and will get worse.  

MACHIVENTA: “This is not a message you’re used to hearing. This is a new rendition, a new iteration of an old message we have given you many, many times. And so that is the reality—you can begin using these values, this ethic and morality for the betterment of yourself and for others, or you can go it alone—with other hardheaded people—and suffer the consequences.” (see below)

MACHIVENTAHardheaded and stubborn

“Now these cataclysms are going to continue, and they are going to become worse and more powerful. Just set that aside for a moment. We have spoken to you before about the hardheadedness and stubbornness of your species. You want it your way, and you will not change your minds and your will until you are broken—when your spirit is broken.

This is very similar to the harsh method of making a horse or a dog obey your will. There are much gentler ways of doing that, and with this metaphor we are saying this to you: you can come along easily, and you can change your will and your decisions, or you can stay the course, be stubborn, and your will, your opinions, and your personal authority and control will be broken

This is not a message you’re used to hearing. This is a new rendition, a new iteration of an old message we have given you many, many times. And so that is the reality—you can begin using these values, this ethic and morality for the betterment of yourself and for others, or you can go it alone—with other hardheaded people—and suffer the consequences. Now, when I use the second person pronoun of “you”, this is applicable to hardheaded individuals, CEOs, executives, government officials (elected and appointed) and to governments and to your whole world organization of nations.

This is very similar to the situation of global warming—no matter how much you shout at the wind and the heat, you cannot change it. You must adapt to it.

And that is the secret of the success of Homo sapiens—they have learned to adapt to changing conditions. In all of historic times, adapting to changing conditions meant moving into new regions where it was cooler to farm, where there was more plentiful water and good places to live. There were huge migrations of your species over the course of tens of thousands of years as the need to adapt to survive was taken into consideration, and they moved

Social adaptation

Now you have to contend with yourselves. The adaptation is social in nature—meaning that all things of humans must now take into consideration all other things of humans. The organizations must learn to adapt to the needs of humanity in order to help humanity survive. Oh, humanity will survive all right, but it is a matter of making good decisions so that many millions of people survive along with you. Yes, there will be losses of 10s of millions of people over the duration of the next 50 years.

Those who remain must learn how to adapt—how to adapt for the benefit of everyone. Now you must think of yourselves as a species—that you are striving to sustain the survival of your species and sustain the survival of your nations and your societies.

This requires much bigger thinking—broader thinking, deeper thinking, and longitudinally as much as the breadth and depth. You must make decisions with the consideration of how your decisions will impact others. You’ve heard this before. You’ve heard this about recycling, you’ve heard this about use of water in times when there were droughts, and you’ve heard this concerning many things. Some of you may be old enough to recall the OPEC oil embargo in the early 70s. There was a need then for people to conserve so that those people who were in need, such as ambulances, fire departments, police, emergency crews, and so on would have the fuel to carry on their missions and that those who were in desperate need for fuel for farms got it allotted to them.

So, you are now in a position where you as individuals and as groups of individuals must come to the consideration of making decisions that benefit others as they benefit you

A holy place

Now, if you’re a fundamentalist Christian you would say “Well, that’s the Christian thing to do, and I as Machiventa am here to tell you that that is a good thing to do. That is a Christian thing to do, but it is part of all God-centered religions. Whether it is Islam, the Jewish people, Baha’i, or many other religions, you have a core by which you have allegiance and centeredness.

Whether you go to mosque, synagogue, temple, or not—you are in a holy place.

You have the power to destroy others, and you have the power to destroy yourselves as well. As the cataclysms become more severe, the noose around your lives will become tighter and tighter, and you will have fewer choices. Will you help others, or just serve only yourself? 

This is a reality on any world, whether it’s a decimal world or not. Those other 9/10ths of the planets went through early eras where they were guided by celestial beings in making the right decisions so that they would have right outcomes.

Now, we are here to assist you as a decimal planet from the rebellion—from the quarantine—to assist you in the same way to make good decisions so that you contribute to the survival of those who come after you.

This guidance we give you is here for your survival, both as a mortal, material being on a gravity-bound planet, and to you as a growing soul.

The wisdom of the few words that I share with you (though there are several million we approximate that we have shared with you) could be compressed and compiled into a very small book.

We’re not advocating that someone take it in hand to create such a book, but the wisdom that is contained in these many years of sessions with you through This One and through many other TRs is essential for the survival of you as soul-growing individuals and as mortal beings on this material planet. 

Lessons from history

The parallel between your civilization, your race, and your species is that of a teenager that you are in the process of growing up, of growing mature. Now, just as most teenagers who come from good families live among wisdom from their elders and even some of their peers, this world, this civilization is living among the same situations.

You can disregard the wisdom that we share, just as teenagers oftentimes disregard the wisdom that their parents have shared, except in this case the falling down—the failure of your civilization to survive intact—is reminiscent of the hundreds and thousands of failures of past human empires, dynasties, governments, monarchies, autocracies, and so on throughout all human history.

And yet, at this time, you—this generation—has the means by which to garner the wisdom of all past ages and condense that into living wisdom. We have striven to assist you to become conscious of your existence—that you are living in the stream of consciousness of the maturation of your civilization, and that if you examine the history of human, organizational existence, there must be many lessons to be learned.

And I again point out to you that you could see many causes for the failure of all those organizations, governments, cultures, and so on. That is looking at your glass half empty. 

On the other hand, if you look at the empty part of your glass of history to find the wisdom, you will want to ask only one or two questions that are pertinent to your survival and that is this: What did those civilizations, those cultures, nations, societies, and governments not do to assure the continued existence and survival that would sustain them into the future.

Now, this is certainly an intuitive question, and we have also shared with you the process of intuitive questions. I would again direct you to the writings of one of our deceased friends, Mr. Kurt Wright, who wrote his book Breaking the Rules which This One has shared with you many, many times in the past. By asking right questions, you will end up with getting right answers. If you ask meaningless questions, you will end up with meaningless answers.

You see, your questions form the future. If you’re looking backward at the causes, then all you get is history books. Yes, you can learn not to do those things, but we see that your nations today are continuing to replicate all the failures of the past civilizations, cultures, societies, governments, and organizations of all types

Time to look forward

So, it’s time for you to look forward, ask right questions, good questions, intuitive questions. And when you do, and you use those seven values plus your ethical and moral interpretations of those values, you’ll end up with right answers and right directions for your societies.




1.New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group (NET PMG #10) -MACHIVENTA, Celestial Manager and Governor for Planet Urantia

Messages transmitted by Daniel Raphael 



