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Paper #228- God and Universe (88)






Global holistic changes will require the accountable agreement between all world nations to commit to necessary changes to save human civilization.

Only honest, truthful, and accountable new minds can bring new sustainable ideas and changes that will make the holistic difference.

Old minds and old systems can never bring new ideas and can only repeat old mistakes and same problems because they do not know any difference.    

As seen from Stockholm COP26 Global Climate Conference, Urantia nations are very divided on climate topic where nations commitment and sacrifice is required to implement necessary progressive changes. This is not, of course, politically acceptable to many current world leaders who have opted out.

For these reasons, accountable world changes will need to be initiated and organized globally, not by current politicians and corporate establishments but, by young voters from each country to be followed then through a new established United Nations of Urantia (UNU), if humans wish to be holistically unified in Spirit and committed in their efforts to recover this planet so that new human generations and life have a sustainable future.

Current UN inner Security Council of five veto power nations seat pretty and will not vote for reorganization of present UN into new holistic UNU and are not interested in global co-equality, regardless that global co-equality is one of universe seven (7) core values to achieve sustainable human civilization.  

Presently, Urantia world is also in a need to address urgently the global over-population problem and needs to find the answer to this unregulated human biological reproductive behavior leading this world into poverty and hunger.

Celestials have projected world’s capacity to comfortably feed only about half of its 8 billion (50%) to live comfortably on this planet.

Over-populated world means too many hungry humans to feed over world capacity to feed which, because of food shortage, contributes to global poverty causing massive human migrations (in addition to other global warming multi-focal climate related cataclysmic changes causing pandemics, droughts, floods, glaciers and mountains ice melting with sea and river water rise, life migration from flooded and drought areas etc.).

It is not reasonable to plan to invest more money to feed more people without regulating first un-accountable and un-regulated global over-population which many will refuse to accept in spite of world already facing such crisis.

Without first regulating human pro-creation globally (via UNU by free-willing self-realization) there will be more hungry people to feed on this already over-populated world in time of accelerating famines and droughts with less food available to feed humanity.  

And yes, further un-regulated global pro-creative phenomenon will increase human global migration (as presently experienced already) and this will then increase human un-accountable and un-sustainable global warming mal-activity that is already collapsing human civilization and planetary life.

Below is MACHIVENTA’s comment on this subject (from NET PMG #16)


Difficult environmental choices

Stéphane: …”You know the invention of electricity has coincided with a tremendous improvement in the quality of life which is one of the primary [values] we have. Should we expect people to reduce their quality of life to align with a lower carbon planet? Are we expecting that to happen as opposed to the invention of a new technology to overcome power generation?

MACHIVENTA: I’ll present you with a cynical answer to your first question and that is: once they’re dead, they will not protest anymore. If you recall the pollution this year in Beijing and other major cities around the world, they, in fact, stopped factories from working, automobiles were limited to emergencies and emergency agencies to use their vehicles to help their society.

When you see the whole planet at that density of pollutants, then you’ll see willing change, glad change, people willing to sacrifice their quality of life just to live easily.

That’s a very severe example, but the possibility of that occurring is only too real I’m afraid to say. I’m not afraid to say, but it’s just hard to put that on you when you’re already aware of the decimations that are occurring and will occur even more so in the future—that air pollution will be a major part of that happening, and as you say, it continues to grow. One of the engines of pollution is simply more people.

If you can’t develop the industries, the social compliance, the institutionalized and governmentalized necessities for reducing population, you’ll never be able to handle your pollution problems simply because the population grows at a certain percentage.

And if this were to continue, you would be severely overpopulated, and at the same time you would probably have increased [levels of pollution] to at least match that of the increasing population, if not more so. So, this is not a simple process of substituting some safe and healthy fuel for the petrochemical sources of energy, locomotion, and power. Does this make sense to you?

Stéphane: Yes, it does. And if I was to summarize what you were just saying is that even if we were to replace all petrochemicals with different sources of energies and chemicals, we would still have problems and those problems stem from overpopulation. Is that a good summary?

MACHIVENTA: Thank you. Yes, good summation.”…


Human caused current world crises are now testing human mind maturity and human holistic intelligence ability by challenging humans to find answers for the survival of its civilization and planetary life.

Intended escape to space will not solve world problems and will only pollute and over-populate already debris contaminated Urantia space further. (NASA space –

Urantia world –



New Era Transitions, Planetary Manager’s Group (NET PMG #16) -MACHIVENTA, Celestial Manager and Governor for Planet Urantia

Messages transmitted by Daniel Raphael 



