Paper #229- God and Universe (89)
Celestials have stated repeatedly that global society survival depends on its ability to form global unity (holism) to survive oncoming global cataclysms and world countries operating and territorial conflicts because noose is already tightening around humanity minimizing human and planetary life’s chances of survival.
It does not appear that at present Urantians have achieved individual and collective mind maturity to work together toward global holistic UNU reform but are rather drifting into conflicts protecting their global operating systems.
Western polarizing and exploiting imperialistic military-industrial-financial profit system is not the representative of seven universe core values of global holism and equality and as such is collapsing.
Before it collapses western plutocratic over-controlling global imperialistic system will try to bring desperately the world into a conflict which might initiate a global war which will be of catastrophic consequences for Urantia world and its life.
Historically, in similar situation were Atlantis leaders about 10,000 years ago, when provoking and trying to strike China by their laser system and as stated previously, had suffered catastrophic consequences by drowning about half of its continent into Atlantic Ocean (Big Flood Tidal Wave, Noah’s Arc).
In this age of possible nuclear space-land wars, American continent (Atlantis remnant) remains vulnerable along its continental fault lines and if struck will fracture, collapse, and drown into the ocean with its unfortunate population just as Atlantis did 10,000 years ago.
Urantia world is presently so polarized, divided and disunited and not willing to accept global unity and universe holistic seven core values that it is simply asking for similar tragic experience again.
On evolutionary laggard and backward worlds human mind and wisdom mostly mature after catastrophes and it does appear that this might be again the Urantia human self-chosen destiny because history, as it seems, is now repeating itself again ten thousand years later.
Machiventa was quoted earlier in Social Adaptation (NET #10, paragraph) –
“Now you have to contend with yourselves. The adaptation is social in nature—meaning that all things of humans must now take into consideration all other things of humans. The organizations must learn to adapt to the needs of humanity in order to help humanity survive. Oh, humanity will survive all right, but it is a matter of making good decisions so that many millions of people survive along with you.
Yes, there will be losses of 10s of millions of people over the duration of the next 50 years.
Those who remain must learn how to adapt—how to adapt for the benefit of everyone. Now you must think of yourselves as a species—that you are striving to sustain the survival of your species and sustain the survival of your nations and your societies.”
The Urantia’s less dramatic global outcome will be the effect of two energetic inter-play perspectives, the macro- and micro-perspective.
Humanity survival outcome macro-perspective is the effect of the sun on the planet which is beyond human control (such as solar flares, etc.).
Humanity survival outcome micro-perspective reflects planet-human activity inter-action where human mal-activities, such as increased greenhouse gases accelerated global warming, are adversely affecting weather thus increasing glaciers and mountains ice melting causing coastal flooding and river floods displacing humans and life.
There is increased perma-frost melting due to higher temperatures and fires, increase in hurricanes and cyclones incidence, more draughts and draught fires, new viruses activations and their mutations causing global pandemics such as Covid-19, Omicron etc. and all this because humans are changing the planetary biosphere conditions of life’s “living recipe”.
Machiventa is expanding below in NET PMG #14 on climatological macro-perspective scenario(between Monmatia sun and Urantia planet energies geo-magnetic vortex interplay) in addition to micro-perspective (where human mal-activities are causing above mentioned global warming, weather changes etc.) to make humans aware of what in toto is and will further adversely affect the Urantia planet and its life with changes in life’s “living recipe”.
The Urantia Book reader finds cosmologically that in the physical phase of the local universe of Nebadon Urantia’s planet sun Monmatia is #1,013,572nd of Andronover’s nebula ejected suns (out of #1,013,628 total ejected suns in four quatrains of Andronover’s life). (
Initiated Andronover nebula vortex, its ejected suns and sun’s planets are all energetically connected from origin via their vortexes energies inter-play.
Andronover nebula is presently in dying phase of its life and Monmatia sun is about half-way of its life span. (please review Papers, )
MACHIVENTA (in NET PMG #14 transmission /partial, edit/:
Weather cataclysms
Craig: … “I have another question I’m just a bit hesitant to ask in that it’s an entirely different subject and that is we’re getting all these weather cataclysms all over the world and I’m wondering; is this more due to either just the general state of global warming and other more natural weather conditions? Or does it have more to do with what I see as the disruption of the global wind patterns owing to the seeding of clouds high in the stratosphere and maybe electronic weather modification techniques?
Machiventa: … “First of all, from your micro perspective, let me broaden your perspective concerning weather and global changes that are occurring concerning climatological changes.
As you may be aware – The earth has a circulation of magma under the crust that also is circulating under Antarctica. It is increasing the substrata of the ice that interfaces with the rock below to warm it. This is occurring in many places as well. This is a natural occurrence that humans have not caused or intervened in. It is simply one of the natural patterns that develop over time in a planet such as Earth.
This planet has a magnetic and liquid core that provides weather conditions on the surface and in the atmosphere through the electromagnetic waves that are part of the magnetism of this planet.
This has an influence upon the radiation of your sun, this local star, and it too is changing.
You—meaning all people interested in climatological phenomena—should not dismiss the natural causes of these tremendous changes and blame it all on humans.
Your scientists have examined ice cores and so on deep within Antarctica and within the Greenland ice cap, such that they know that throughout the history of this planet and the history of the glaciation and ice ages that there have been tremendous warming periods as well as tremendous cold periods.
These are all natural, and many of these occurred in the earliest eras of human species development.”
Tremendous changes have begun
As far as human activities are concerned, yes, this has exacerbated natural phenomena to a great extent. Whether one accepts (no pun intended by the word whether) natural causes or human causes, you today must deal with climatological changes of the severe nature.
Blaming it on people or blaming it on nature does not get you anywhere. It just becomes a gossip party between everyone and argumentation that gets you nowhere.
You, as a population of planetary civilization must concern yourself about preserving your kind in the face of tremendous changes.
These tremendous changes have begun, and they will continue to ramp up to become even greater than before. These will be terribly destructive and harmful to plant and animal and human existence.
You have not yet seen hurricanes in the arctic and south pole regions, have you? It is possible to have wind speeds of 150 mph at 50° below zero temperatures. This would be devastating to the whole planet, yet this does occur on other planets, and it may occur on this planet.
You as a species should be preparing yourselves for finding your caves (literally and figuratively) where you can reside in safety. Do you have further questions concerning my delivery here?
Craig: No, you have, uh, broadened my perspective very considerably, and I might have more questions later. But thank you for that broader perspective . “…
Hardheaded and stubborn
Rick: …”I have two questions. The first one is: During the previous session, you said We have spoken to you before about the hard headedness and stubbornness of your species. You want it your way, and you will not change your minds and your will until your spirit is broken.”
My question is: Is our Urantian human species different from other planetary species in this regard?”
Machiventa: “We would say that you humans (Homo sapiens) on your planet and your hard headedness are an exception.
Your species is not alone in this as there are some that are even more obdurate in keeping their position and holding their position even in the face of personal and community extinction.
There have been species which have eliminated themselves from existence simply because of that quality.
It is detrimental to your species when that hard headedness exceeds a certain limit of rationality. It is unintelligent. It is not logical; it is irrational to say the least. It is suicidal.
That being said, to some degree the hard headedness is very much a desirable trait in a species—particularly on an experimental and experiential planet as Urantia.
A wonderful combination
Your species has developed out of the circumstances of this 10%-fold of planets around the universe [decimal, experimental].
This creates various and many opportunities, options for genetic change and development.
What is consistent in all species on these experimental planets is that your Creator, via the life carriers and their laboratories, has instilled within you the capability—the urges—that will sustain you in the times of emergencies, that will assist your species to adapt to the circumstances, and to become inventive and creative in ingenious ways.
It is important that the wisdom that Life Carriers gain from an experimental planet be used to the assistance of those 90% of planets and the species thereon to make them more capable and more God centered than they have been.
A wonderful combination, of course, is the individual who is God centered, God conscious, who is inventive, capable, and adaptive. These are rare individuals indeed, but it is part of the process of generating and creating more improved species of soul survivors for all planets…”
New Era Transitions, Planetary Manager’s Group (NET PMG #14) -MACHIVENTA, Celestial Manager and Governor for Planet Urantia
Messages transmitted by Daniel Raphael