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Paper #230- God and Universe (90)






Let us now discuss current global situation on decimal (experimental) world (see Urantia Book) relative to virus pandemics such as COVID-19.


UB – Decimal planets  36:2.15 (398.2)  … Urantia is a decimal planet, a life-experiment world. On one world in each ten a greater variance in the standard life designs is permitted than on the other (non-experimental) worlds.


Machiventa has stated in NET PMG #19 Getting back to NORMAL? (excerpt/modif.)


“There is … a misstatement, and that is that things were returning to normal (on this world because) this is not the case. 

In some regards—financially and economically—world is trying to return to normal, yet what you are seeing is that viruses such as the COVID and related viruses are free agents—they can morph and will change and will morph as they become more widespread. 

Vaccinations—whether given by injection or by pill—will have a slowing effect to this, yet there was always room for pockets of virulent populations where great changes can occur to the virus making it more dangerous and more easily transmissible.

What is being withheld from the public by the virologists of the various national laboratories is that the way of the viruses is always progressive for their transmissibility and, occasionally, for their [lethality].  

Viruses do not have a mind—do not have an intelligence—they simply replicate, replicate, and replicate many, many times in their host individuals and spread that to others.

It is not a matter of success or failure on the part of viruses as they have no intelligence, but the fact that through their rapid replication and adaptation, their form can be modified through chance developments, and some will be successful in becoming more transmissible than others. And, of course, those are the ones that will be infecting many people.

Whether they are lethal or not is not a matter under the control of the viruses either.

They will duplicate and duplicate until they duplicate themselves in ways that are highly transmissible and transmissible before the death of the host individual.

The [lethality] of the virus is not a concern of the virus. It is simply a means of statistical replication so that the replication hits on a formula or a design of the virus that fulfills the need to replicate and replicate rapidly and in as many people as possible 

That is the full, worst course that virologists are seeing. As the death rate is quite low for this virus, it is not a concern that its lethality is not very high. The concern is that, in time, that factor may increase to the point where the person who is the host may be infected silently without them knowing it, and that within three weeks they will have reached the limit and then they are deceased.

That is the worst-case scenario for humanity as it would cause the demise of many, many people. That has not become a visible factor yet with this virus. Virologists know that that is perhaps an eventuality, and while having people vaccinated and taking the vaccinating pill, they can slow the rate and the replication of these viruses to different models that resist the spread of the virus. By subduing the rapidness of the spread of the virus, you are in fact decreasing the chances of it spreading and developing into a lethal virus.  

I feel that there is more to your question… Oh yes, you were speaking about three to five years. That is remarkably and ironically mostly a matter of personal decision making on the part of those people who have yet to become vaccinated and those people who are vaccinated to expose themselves to others who have the virus active in their bodies.

This will have a tremendous effect upon the course of your societies, international travel, and on the economics and financial conditions of individuals, corporations, and governments.

With the continuation of this process of the many waves of virus rising and falling, it is eventual that it will weaken the economies and finances of governments and corporations. It will not be good for the global economy or for trade and so on. It will also be an invitation by those malevolent political leaders, national leaders, for them to take advantage of weaker nations at that time. All in all, it’s not a good situation for humanity, even though it was an eventuality that this would occur…”.


Viruses do not have mind or intelligence


Reader knows that Urantia world is as well undergoing global climate changes which have multi-directional effects also on Urantia world and its life.

These changes include increase in virus random mutations and acceleration of their replication of which some will cause pandemics like Covid – 19 and Omicron.

Since viruses are mind-less, non-intelligent and are non-animated (“dead”) organic “particle”,that in a host cell just replicate and replicate like parasites using host nutrients.  

How to understand non-animated viruses compared to evolution of the animated (anu-mal realized, ANU=PUMA/Physical UltiMate Atom principal physical universe energy vortex) and evolution of intelligent organic planetary life and its ascending mind and its intelligence progression?

Definition of Life (by Wikipedia) – “Life is a characteristic that distinguishes physical entities that have biological processes, such as signaling and self-sustaining processes, from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased or because they never had such functions and are classified as in-animate.”

UB about evolution of planetary life36:2.17 (398.4)  … The original life plasm of an evolutionary world must contain the full potential for all future developmental variations and for all subsequent evolutionary changes and modifications. The provision for such far-reaching projects of life metamorphosis may require the appearance of many apparently useless forms of animal and vegetable life. Such by-products of planetary evolution, foreseen or unforeseen, appear upon the stage of action only to disappear, but in and through all this long process there runs the thread of the wise and intelligent formulations of the original designers of the planetary life plan and species scheme. The manifold by-products of biologic evolution are all essential to the final and full function of the higher intelligent forms of life, notwithstanding that great outward disharmony may prevail from time to time in the long upward struggle of the higher creatures to effect the mastery of the lower forms of life, many of which are sometimes so antagonistic to the peace and comfort of the evolving will creatures.



Virus while out of living host cell is inactive (un-animated) called VIRION. 

Viruses cannot replicate on their own, but rather depend on their host cell’s protein synthesis pathways to become animated and reproduce. This typically occurs by the virus inserting its genetic material into host cells, co-opting the proteins to create viral replicates, until the cell bursts from the high volume of new viral particles. 

Viral replication is the formation of biological viruses during the infection process in the target host cells. Viruses must first get into the cell before viral replication can occur. Through the generation of abundant copies of its genome and packaging these copies, the virus continues infecting new hosts.” (Wikipedia)

Viral replication involves six steps: attachment, penetration, uncoating, replication, assembly, and release.

According to NIH (Bettie J. Graham, Ph.D.)Viruses are submicroscopic, which means that you cannot see them in the microscope. What’s interesting about viruses is that they have two or three components. Starting from the inside, you will have a nucleic acid, which can be either RNA or DNA, and in both cases the nucleic acid can be either single-stranded or double-stranded. Then surrounding the nucleic acid will be a protein coat that’s in the form of capsid, or little small units that are assembled in a certain way. That is what all viruses have. Now, some viruses will also have an envelope which they obtain as they emerge from the cell. Viruses are very interesting in that they can only survive inside a living cell. So they must have a living cell in order to survive and replicate. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses, but vaccines are, as well as some antivirals.”

COVID-19 is a spherical or pleomorphic enveloped particles containing single-stranded (positive-sense) RNA associated with a nucleoprotein within a capsid comprised of matrix protein. The envelope bears club-shaped glycoprotein projections. Some coronaviruses also contain a hem agglutinin-esterase protein (HE)4 (Fig. 1).


Figure 1. Schematic of a coronavirus – this new virus probably looks a lot like this. From Biowiki (


Research suggests that changes to the spike protein may make the Delta variant up to 50% more transmissible than other COVID-19 variants. For people who haven’t had the coronavirus vaccine, the Delta variant may cause more severe illness than the original “Wuhan” strain of the virus. 

The representation produced by the Italian researchers showed that the newest coronavirus variant had 43 spike protein mutations, compared to 18 for the Delta variant. Previous research estimated that Omicron had 32 spike protein mutations, compared with the 13 to 17 seen in the more prevalent Delta variant. 


Machiventa has shared about viruses (NET PMG #9) – “Viruses do not have a mind—do not have an intelligence—they simply replicate, replicate, and replicate many, many times in their host individuals and spread that to others.

It is not a matter of success or failure on the part of viruses as they have no intelligence, but the fact that through their rapid replication and adaptation, their form can be modified through chance developments (in a host), and some will be successful in becoming more transmissible than others.”

So, although viruses contain single or double stranded nucleic acid, proteins and other virus cell components, they are not alive, do not have evolving mind or intelligence but continuously replicate and randomly mutate by random chance of their design while using hosts components to replicate.

Frequency of random mutations are influenced by outside physical factors which one would be accelerated global warming.

Inorganic organic life is an electro-chemical process which is responsive to external physical factors, such as global warming, which is influencing and changing non-life and life conditions on this planet affecting all Urantia life from human to micro-organisms and virus particles to higher life species.


Current Urantia accelerating global warming process is therefore changing planetary non-life and life species planetary bio-sphere parameters and with respect to virus particles will probably increase chances of various new virus activations in host cells and viruses random mutations.

An astonishing number of viruses are circulating around the Earth’s atmosphere — and falling from it — according to new research. The study marks the first time scientists have quantified the viruses being swept up from the Earth’s surface into the free troposphere, beyond Earth’s weather systems but below the stratosphere where jet airplanes fly. The viruses can be carried thousands of kilometers there before being deposited back onto the Earth’s surface.”


Troposphere is where greenhouse gases and viruses accumulate.

*Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are a set of gases that accumulate in the lower layer of the atmosphere, the troposphere, and absorb infrared radiation, which contributes to increasing the average temperature of the Earth’s surface.*

A number of studies have also demonstrated that bacteria. fungi are present also in the higher mutagenic stratosphere.

If the higher stratosphere is considered by science to be highly mutagenic media for microorganism particles (such as bacteria) then it is reasonable to conclude that greenhouse gases contained in lower troposphere are mutagenic for virus particles “falling back down to earth”.


NEBADONIA discussing – The sweet mystery of life (ref. 2)

Even your dictionaries start off with–rather astutely—life is not a thing, but a condition–with some features. First of all, it is a condition of a singular something, whether plant or animal or spirit.

Living on your world includes every individual from the smallest little one-celled plant or animal, to beings like yourself of billions of living cells. It is essentially an activity. Some unified collection of elements is happening. Something is continuing to happen in this singular being from a previous similar one, granted changes due to dual sexuality or evolution. 

To be alive remains an unsolvable mystery because it’s an unfolding in a humanly indeterminate Eternal Now, and future.  Yet there is this understandable continuity between birth and death captured—in your case—in an eternal soul. So again we salute our Father–himself a singular living being–for wanting share this essence of his with all of us. Personal beings number in the trillions of trillions throughout a vast cosmos, and the inner universe of Havona. Beyond all the persons, and the plants, and the animals on your wonderful earth, your Urantia Book teases you with what you will encounter on the mansion worlds to come–wholly different orders of living beings, in a more soulful reality.”





1.New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group (NET PMG #9, #19) – MACHIVENTA, Celestial Manager and Governor for Planet Urantia

Messages transmitted by Daniel Raphael 




2.Mother Spirit on November 26,2021  

   Nebadonia – Mother Spirit – T/R-JL  

   Jerry Lane <>

